Powdery mildew on cereals – an increasing problem in triticale cultures
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Caterina L. Matasci, Stefan Kellenberger, Fabio Mascher
Pages: 131-134
Abstract: Powdery mildew, caused by the obligate biotrophic ascomycete Blumeria graminisDC Speer can reduce yield up to 40% without control measures. The first report of the disease ontriticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) in Switzerland took place in 2001. Since 2005, which markedthe year of the first major epidemic, B. graminis has become established and rapidly adapts to anincreasing number of triticale cultivars. This situation is observed in different European triticalegrowing countries. In a situation where the climate change is modifying the national andinternational ranges of pests and diseases and where a strong increase in the demand for cereals ispredicted for the future, biological control should focus on selection for resistant cultivars incombination with adequate culture techniques and, if possible, the use of antagonistic organisms.