Prospects of integrated pest management of Phyllocnistis citrella (Stain.)in Punjab, Pakistan


Abstract: Citrus leaf miner (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton) is a very serious insectpest of citrus nursery and groves. In order to evaluate Integrated Pest Management of CLMunder conditions of major citrus growing areas in Punjab, Pakistan, a project has beenlaunched by financial support from Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan. Theresults are based on data taken during May 2009 to January 2010. The studies on larvalpopulation on nursery and grove at various sites has shown high incidence of CLM onlemon, followed by Kinnow. CLM was also present on other varieties in fairly high numberduring May-June to September, 2009. Regarding relationship of mines serving as focal pointfor disease it was observed that 0.03-0.05% leaves had mines probed by canker. Amongcryomazin (1.6g/l), acetamiprid 20 SL, triflumuron 20 EC, lufenuron 5 EC, flufenoxuron 5EC, bifenthrin 10 EC, cypermethrin 10 EC, spinosad 240 SC, emmamectin benzoate 1.9 EC0.1%, only spinosad proved effective for a maximum of 10 days. Field biology of CLM onlemon showed that it was within range (6-22 days) of the reported time of its development.The possibility of control measures compatible with IPM is discussed.

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