Puffer®-CM Dispensers for mating disruption of codling moth: Area of influence and impacts on trap finding success by males


Abstract: Aerosol dispensers, Puffer®-CM, have been used successfully in mating disruption of codling moth for over 15 years, and their adoption keeps growing. However, implementation protocols have largely been modified empirically, and are likely not yet optimized. A series of trials were conducted using grids of traps baited with pheromone lures or virgin females in an effort to estimate the area of influence of a single Puffer® on codling moth. Through all our trials we found that a single Puffer® strongly reduced trap captures on several hectares of crop, and at distances over 300 m downwind. Furthermore, their impact included delay and frequency of trap finding. Our results also showed that pheromone lures capture more males than virgin females, and are more restrictive in the area of influence estimated. Finally, our results showed that reducing the concentration of pheromone released by Puffer® did not reduce the area of influence.

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