Reducing chemical inputs for sustainable protection of strawberry
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D. Prodorutti, D. Profaizer, S. Conci, A. Grassi, T. Pantezzi, G. Angeli
Pages: 23-26
Abstract: Starting from 2013, experimental trials with the aim to reduce chemical treatments on strawberry have been carried out in Trentino region. In particular, semi-field and field trials were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of potassium bicarbonate against powdery mildew on strawberry. In the semi-field trials, potted plants were kept in a glasshouse and inoculated by shaking infected leaves over the plants. Treatments were: potassium bicarbonate, sulphur, bupirimate and untreated control. In the field trial (high tunnel and soilless cultivation) a conventional spray program was compared with bicarbonate applications and the untreated control. In the glasshouse trials, spray applications with potassium bicarbonate significantly reduced the incidence and severity of powdery mildew compared with untreated control. In the field trial, the untreated plots showed a high incidence of the disease while a very low incidence was observed both in conventional and bicarbonate treatments. Repeated applications of potassium bicarbonate were effective against powdery mildew, therefore this active ingredient can be included in IPM programs of strawberry, allowing a reduction of pesticide residues.