Research on the influence of genetically modified maize on the Neuroptera fauna
€ 0.00
Ioan Rosca, Ludovit Cagan
Pages: 89-94
Abstract: We present the results from a field experiment in Borovce, Slovakia, during 2008 and2009 with eight maize hybrids including 3 genetically modified ones expressing Bacillusthuringiensis insecticidal proteins (MON 8903, MON 88017, and MON 8903 × MON 88017).The Neuroptera abundance was assessed using yellow sticky traps (Pherocone AM). Asynecological analysis taking into consideration abundance, constancy, dominance and ecologicalsignificance index was conducted. Regarding dominance, in 2008, 3 species (Chrysoperlacarnea, Osmylus fulvicephalus and Hemerobius humulinus) were eudominant species, andDrepanepteryx phalaenoides was a dominant species. In 2009, C. carnea, and O. fulvicephaluswere eudominant species, while D. phalaenoides became a subdominant species. The ecologicalsignificance index, which is most important as it takes into consideration both constancy anddominance, revealed that in 2009, all 3 observed species (C. carnea, O. fulvicephalus, andD. phalaenoides) were edifying species. In 2008, O. fulvicephalus and H. humulinus weredominant species, D. phalaenoides was accompanying species and C. carnea an accessoryspecies. No significant differences in the structure and quantity of Neuroptera species wasobserved among the different hybrids.