Screening for large functional groups of Acari in olive groves at different plant densities
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Sauro Simoni, Elisabetta Gargani, Silvia Guidi, Donatella Goggioli, Elena Gagnarli, Pio Federico Roversi
Pages: 67-70
Abstract: The Italian olive-oil production sector is rapidly changing: traditional olive groves are often replaced by high-density olive groves. New olive crops determine changes in agricultural landscape and agroecosystems and could lead to undesirable side effects in term of environmental and health costs. In the context of the DIOL project (‘Defense from harmful organisms in traditional and intensive olive crops’ funded by Mipaaft), in 2018, screening of functional groups of Acarina in traditional and high-density olive groves in Central Italy was carried out. Although preliminary, the survey highlights that the density of olive tree planting does not affect the abundance of the mite groups; differences are registered amongst the locations of olive groves: semi-natural habitats bordering olive groves can positively influence the abundance of the different mite groups.