Strategy for the development of organic agriculture in the Azores Autonomous Region
€ 0.00
David João Horta Lopes
Pages: 23-29
Abstract: Following the publication in the Diário da República of the Resolution approving, the National Strategy for Organic Agriculture and the Plan of Action, it was imperative to develop a strategic plan for the development of organic agriculture in the Azores. To achieve this, a protocol was signed with the Cooperativa de Produtores de Agricultura Biológica-CRL (BioAzórica) and a working group was created specifically for this task. The Regional Strategy for the Development of Organic Agriculture and the Plan of Action for the Production and Promotion of Organic Agricultural Products of the Azores Region will not be far from the concepts and actions defined at national level. This document results from the detailed analysis of the actions of the national strategy and its adaptation to the specific characteristics of the Region. This approach is reflected in its structure and content by defining a specific strategic plan and with some own and exclusive measures of the Region based on the current knowledge of the state of development of organic production. This document has already been presented and discussed publicly and is now for approval by the Regional Government of the Azores. This strategic document consists of two parts: (I) Characterizing Agriculture and Organic Production and (II) Strategic Objectives and Axes for the Development of Organic Agriculture in the Azores Autonomous Region. On this part the strategic objectives and the axes of the action plan, operational objectives and actions to be developed, short, medium and long term, are presented. Finally, a set of tables with all actions of the action plan is presented for each of the operational objectives to be developed. In its final part, an assessment based on surveys on the development potential of Organic Agriculture in the different islands of the Azores Autonomous Region is presented.