Survey of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi in the oak woods of Sardinia (Italy)
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Tarasco, E., Lentini, A., Triggiani, O.
Pages: 253-255
Abstract: The natural occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi in different oakwoods of Sardinia was investigated during a survey carried out in April-May 2009; in the centreand in the north-east of the island 33 sampling areas were investigated from Giara di Gesturi andBarumini (Medio Campidano Province), Laconi, Orotelli, Desulo, Bolotana, Aritzo and Fonni(Nuoro Province) Tempio Pausania and Calangianus (Gallura Province) and Abbasanta (OristanoProvince). Nematodes were isolated from 1 soil sample and identified as Steinernema ichnusae,while fungi were isolated from 6 soil samples (18%) and were all represented by Beauveriabassiana strains. Sardinian EPN and EPF strains are at the moment under study for theirbiological characterization and in particular one strain of B. bassiana (ItBb-Sar22) has just shownto be able to produce conidia in liquid medium, a very interesting characteristic related to themass production potential of this biological control agent.