The BEESPOKE project: increasing wild pollinators and crop pollination
€ 0.00
John M. Holland, Dirk Albach, Jojanneke Bijkerk, Lucy Capstick, Michelle T. Fountain, Iain Fraser, Jendrik Holthusen, Jan Jensen, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Hans Kroodsma, Jan-Willem van Kruyssen, Helle Mathiasen, Ivan Meeus, Lene Sigsgaard, Arjen Strijkstra, Frank Stubbe, Thomas van Loo, Atle Wibe
Pages: 51-55
Abstract: The Interreg North Sea Region of Europe is one of the most productive agricultural areas, but has been identified as having low pollination potential. The BEESPOKE project aims to encourage land managers to conserve wild insect pollinators through demonstrating their value for crop production and by providing tools to create more pollinator resilient landscapes. The tools include improved knowledge about the best pollinators for crops, seed mixes tailored to their support, protocols for estimating pollination, training materials, how agri-enviroenment can be improved and a novel landscape model to identify where resources are best placed.