The database PESAP to design pomefruit protection strategies
€ 0.00
Martina Mayus, Aude Alaphilippe, Jan Buurma, Tito Caffi, Yvan Capowiez, Gabriele Fortino, Bart Heijne, Herman Helsen, Imre Holb, Vittorio Rossi, Sylvaine Simon, Christian Scheer, Martin Trautmann, Jörn Strassemeyer
Pages: 551-555
Abstract: The sustainability of pomefruit protection strategies requires the design of innovative IPM tools and development of tools to build up and analyze new pest control strategies. Within the EU-project PURE (www.pure-ipm.eu) a database (PESAP -Pests of Europe and control Strategies for Apple and Pear) has been developed to collate data for identification of optimization possibilities. Data was collated in 5 major European pomefruit regions. PESAP proved to be useful for simple queries and to design alternative control strategies. Moreover, it was adequate for data transfer into the environmental risk indicator SYNOPS.