The importance of the Pervermac II project in the sustainable use of pesticideson fruit production in Azores
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David Horta Lopes, Andreia Aguiar, Ana Dias, Maria Bettencourt, Ricardo Dutra, Reinaldo Pimentel
Pages: 17-24
Abstract: The overall objective of the PERVERMAC II project is to promote a sustainableuse of pesticides in the agricultural production and ensure food security in the archipelagos ofthe Macaronesian region (Azores, Madeira, Canaries and Cape Verde). This achieved byensuring the safety and health of farmers that apply pesticides in their cultures and at the sametime of the consumers minimizing the risk of health and environmental contamination. In allthe investigation work programmed, through the residues level quantification in theagricultural products locally produced and imported from the main crops the determination ofthe level of exposure of consumers to the application of pesticides will be achieved. Usingprogrammed sampling and analysis of the agricultural products collected from fruits likecitrus, vegetables, tubers, wine and cereals is possible to ensure food safety and contributingto the Azorean population safeguarding. Making food surveys and determining the amount ofthese agricultural products consumed, we will obtain the real proportion of these products inour diet and the correlated level of pesticides residues or their metabolites in the food intakeby humans. From the residue analysis we obtained the quantification of some activesubstances of pesticides as for the most part the dithiocarbamates and the pyriposmethyl,showing some of the collected samples values of residues above the maximum residue limit(MRL). Because on the products, analyzed residues found are above the tolerable levels thegoal will change to the promoting of different cultural practices at farmer level. In addition,actions for sensitizing the populations of the regions and countries involved in the adoption ofgood food or diet content. With a special focus on the school population, this work willpromote, widening the food components knowledge. These actions will promote actionsconcerning the use of compost and the implementation of organic production in schoolgardens and by the Azorean farmer.Actions transferring knowledge and technology regarding the farmer and the techniciansthrough demonstration actions and specific training, concerning these topics are beendeveloped. The elaboration of manual regarding good and sustainable agricultural practiceswill ensure the adoption and implementation of integrated protection measures, promoting thesustainable use by the farmers of pesticides changing the current environmental impact byimplementing alternative means of protection against the major and most frequentphytosanitary problems of these food crops.