The spatial implantation of the trap crop used as Pull component has to be considered to maximize the efficiency of a Push-Pull strategy against the cabbage root fly
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Fabrice Lamy, Guillaume Wetzel, Loïc Daniel, Vincent Faloya, Denis Poinsot, Anne Marie Cortesero
Pages: 59-64
Abstract: Numerous studies demonstrated that trap cropping systems are an efficient way to divert pests from crops. However this kind of strategy remains complex to develop and rarely successfully used in commercial fields. In this paper, using the Chinese cabbage as trap crop we focused on the influence of its spatial implantation on oviposition of the cabbage root fly on broccoli in order to maximize the trap crop effectiveness. We first confirmed that Chinese cabbage significantly reduces oviposition on broccolis. We then showed that spatial implantation of the trap crop directly affects oviposition. A simple perimeter trap crop was not able to reduce oviposition while more a complex design where the trap crop was implanted at the perimeter but also as strips within the target crop reduced oviposition by half.