Trichoderma asperellum strain t34: From the laboratory-patent to the registration-market
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Maria Isabel Trillas, Eva Casanova, Elena Fernández, Guillem Segarra
Pages: 159-163
Abstract: At this moment (Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 and Directive 2009/128/EC), there are obvious reasons for the development of antagonist microorganisms to incorporate in integrated pests and diseases management programs. The identification of strain T34 of Trichoderma asperellum as a biological control was carried as part of research projects at the University of Barcelona (1998). The strain was patented in 2002 and it is currently being developed by Biocontrol Technologies, according to the EU directives on plant protection products. Different from other spin-offs, we are involved in all phases of development (from discovery to marketing), always in strong relationship with other universities, research centers and companies, in different countries. Our aim is to conduct basic research, but also to offer commercial biological control solutions to growers.