Use of geographic information systems for the DSS SkleroPro - simulation of Sclerotinia stem rot
€ 0.00
Beate Tschöpe, Benno Kleinhenz, Thorsten Zeuner, Manfred Röhrig, Jeanette Jung and Lilia Martin
Pages: 193-199
Abstract: In 2010, a new way of presenting results of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for plant pests has been implemented in the Web Information System for Integrated Plant Production (ISIP) www.isip.de. By means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), meteorological data of temperature, relative humidity and global radiation were interpolated. Additionally precipitation data from radar measurements in a high spatial resolution were used as input parameter for the simulation models. This data lead to risk maps which help to identify hot spots of disease infection or pressure and simplifies the interpretation of the models results. Furthermore the user does not have to choose a specific meteorological station, but gets a field-specific calculation for his plant production site with spatial resolution of 1 km2. The system is supplemented by a spatial three-day weather forecast offered by the German Meteorological Service. Since 2010 risk maps are implemented for the DSS SkleroPro – simulation of Sclerotinia stem rot.