Web based fenceline phosphine monitoring validates bystander safety in commercial operations with buffer zone integrity confirmed


Abstract: The importance of phosphine in the preservation and protection of food, feed, seed,
and fibers cannot be overstated. Phosphine is a lethal gas at ambient temperatures and pressures. Phosphine diffuses through a fumigation enclosure to interfere with the biological processes of organisms. New safety measures are needed to assure that while phosphine acts upon its’ intended target organisms’, applicators and bystander populations are in turn protected. Food production, processing and security require effective pest control by a known, established fumigant as phosphine. The need is simply to have an effective fumigant and use it safely. Proof is now needed to repair past practices and confirm regulatory compliance. Fumigations failing to provide operational transparency and efficacy proof will result in regulatory limits in phosphine use. The logical extension of this is increased pest infestations, and adversely affect international supply chains.
A safe, transparent phosphine fumigation includes active monitoring of fugitive phosphine
emissions thru buffer zones as USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed.
The approach is twofold. First there needs to be definitive proof in real time that a sufficient
lethality of the target pest(s) is achieved as concentration over time (CxT). Second there is an
ever-growing regulatory movement to assure that these compliant phosphine fumigations pose no imminent danger to boundary populations. The proof of regulatory compliant phosphine fumigant use and confirmed safety of bystander populations is newly addressed in scientific advancements by Spectros Instruments, Inc.

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