Aims and Objectives
IOBC-WPRS is one of six Regional Sections of the International Organisation for Biological Control. IOBC was established in 1955 to promote environmentally safe methods of pest and disease control in plant protection.
Members of WPRS are individual scientists, governmental, scientific or commercial organisations from 24 countries of Europe, Mediterranean region and the Middle East.

IOBC-WPRS encourages collaboration in promoting feasible and environmentally safe methods of pest and pathogen control.
IOBC-WPRS promotes the use of sustainable, environmental safe economically feasible socially acceptable control-methods of pests and diseases of agricultural and forestry crops. Therefore IOBC-WPRS encourage collaboration in the development and promotion of Biological and Integrated Production systems.
IOBC-WPRS fosters research and practical application, training and information, especially of biological methods of control, but also of all methods, including chemicals, within an integrated pest management context. Major activities include development and standardisation of testing methods for effects of pesticides on beneficial species, pest and disease damage assessment, modelling in relation to pest and disease management, and the practical implementation of biological and integrated controls for pests and diseases of particular crops.
IOBC-WPRS elaborates guidelines for integrated production of agricultural crops, develops and standardises methods of testing effects of pesticides on beneficial species.
IOBC-WPRS offers presentation platforms (workshops, symposia, proceedings, publications) to scientists involved in research to ameliorate agricultural crop production using methods and strategies in agreement with overall goal of IOBC.
Watch the video: Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group “Integrated Control in Citrus Fruit Crops” in 2022
IOBC-WPRS helps implementing scientific knowledge into the advising and executing biological and integrated production.
In the fulfilment of its objectives, WPRS collaborates with other international organisations, notably FAO, WHO, the Commission of the European Union (CEU) and the European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO). Special emphasis is placed on contacts with CEC whose activities since 1979 have included programmes with similar objectives.
Structure & Organisation of IOBC-Global and IOBC-WPRS
Historically IOBC started in 1955 as a global organisation affiliated to the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Later it proved practical to form regional sections in addition to the Global IOBC. At present, IOBC-Global includes six regional sections.
For more information see IOBC History Book:
International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants: History of the First 50 Years (1956-2006). Boller, E.F., J.C. van Lenteren and V. Delucchi (eds.), 2006, ISBN: 92-9067-194-5 [287 pp.].
IOBC-WPRS contributes financially to IOBC-Global as support and to cover its share of the IOBC Newsletter (WPRS has one seat in the Council of IOBC-Global). WPRS transfers to IOBC-Global 100 EURO for each institutional member, 50 EURO for each supporting member and 10 EURO for each individual member.
In contrast to the IOBC-Global and the other regional sections, WPRS has in its official name included both Biological Control and Integrated Control. This indicates the recognition in WPRS of the importance of both the pure biological control and the broader integrated approach, which had already been included in activities of several working groups.

General Assembly
The General Assembly elects the members of the council, the president, the vice presidents, the treasurer and the secretary general, the auditing committee; its decides on the general work programme and policy of IOBC-WPRS. It considers and approves the activity of council, executive committee and the accounts on the advice of the auditing committee.
More details on the responsibilities of the General Assembly are available in Article VIII of the IOBC-WPRS Statutes (pdf).
According to the statutes the governing body of IOBC-WPRS is the Council, which is elected for a period of 4 years by the General Assembly. Its composition and specific responsibilities are described in Articles XI and XII of the IOBC-WPRS Statutes (pdf).
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Council is the body executing the decisions of the Council and taking care of a number of current matters based on delegation. The members of the Executive Committee are elected among the council members by the general assembly.