In order to produce high quality olives regional/national guidelines have to define the correct timing of harvest. The olive fruit can be harvested mainly directly from the tree after artificial or natural falling on nets.
In case of natural falling the olives have to be collected at maximum weekly. The olive fruit falling on the ground have to be managed separately and cannot be IP labelled in any case.
When mechanical harvest is applied olives fruits should be harvested minimizing damages to fruits. The interval between harvest and milling has to be minimized and recommended in regional guidelines. A maximum interval of 4 days is generally required with exception for special conditions to be clearly defined and justified. Containers must be rigid and open (bags are not allowed) and have to be stored in dry and hygienic conditions avoiding completely the presence/contact with hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline).
Damage to olive trees caused by mechanical harvesting could create conditions favourable to Pseudomonas infections: regional guidelines should include specific recommendations.
The same preventative method to avoid damage described for oil production should be applied taking special care to avoid also aesthetic damage. At this purpose mechanical harvesting should be avoided.