
The surface of ecological infrastructure with low production intensity and without pesticide/fertilizer input should increase to 10%.

Development of a professionally formulated conservation assessment and plan for the farm and its implementation are recommended.

Special attention should be given to enhance the functional biodiversity in and around fields:

  • Avoiding risks of increasing host pests.
  • Enhancing the functional biodiversity is possible after conducting specific studies focusing on the target organisms whose populations we wish to increase. IP guidelines should recommend appropriate species.
  • It is recommended to increase biodiversity within orchards providing ecosystem services such as pest regulation or improved nutrient uptake efficiency or weed seed predation. o e.g. by practicing an alternating mowing regime with a permanent supply of flowering plants as food sources for the orchard fauna).
  • Plants species that form the vegetation cover in the alleyways should be naturally occurring or be selected/planted due to its favourable characteristics.
  • Contamination by spray drift from neighbouring crops can be detrimental to beneficial and other fauna. It is advisable to protect the orchard by planting windbreaks as barriers.
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