Short CV

Dr.-Eng. Henri AUDEMARD was born in Dordogne, France in 1931.

He was a researcher at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research), where he worked from 1951 to 1993.

His field of study was focused on the biology of insect pests of fruit and vegetable crops and particularly on Lepidoptera. Early on, he directed his efforts towards the development of tactic tools and strategies for integrated pest management, particularly in the orchard. His national and international recognition was mostly related to his academic results and practical applications on the use of pheromones against various pests and on biocontrol of the codling moth with Carpovirusine.

During his career, he published over 200 papers, mostly in international scientific journals but also in technical bulletins. His work also resulted in several patents and the development of commercial applications by the plant protection industry. He played an active role in the development IPM systems for apple and peach orchards, which were applied by growers in over 5000 hectares in France.

He received numerous national awards, including the prestigious (in France) “Prix Vermorel” of the French Academy of Agriculture and the “Medal for Agricultural Merit”.

He became implicated with IOBC-wprs early on and was most active in WG “Pheromones” and in WG “Integrated Production of Fruit Crops”, for which he served as Convenor of sub-group “Stone Fruits”. Over his career, he participated in over 30 IOBC meetings, contributing 37 communications.
He served as Convenor of a Commission “Promotion” that was created to increase the international visibility and impact of IOBC-wprs. He has also contributed to the promotion of IOBC in France by creating in 1985, and regularly updating to this date, a rubric “News from IOBC” in the information bulletin “Adalia”, which is disseminated to various agricultural professionals.

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