Short CV
Ute Vogler is Head of the Institute of the Institute of Plant Protection in Horticulture and Forests at the Julius Kuehn-Institute, the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants in Germany. She studied Horticultural Sciences at the Technical University Munich in Weihenstephan and conducted her PhD at ETH Zurich in Applied Entomology. Afterwards, she worked as entomologist at Agroscope in Switzerland and focussed on applied research in integrated protection in field vegetables, and was lecturer at ETHZ.
Her research focusses on applied and basic research in integrated protection of horticultural crops and forests. She works mainly with insect pests in vegetable crops like vegetable root flies, carrot psyllid, and white flies to develop controlling strategies for integrated and organic vegetable production.
Ute Vogler is active in the IOBC-WPRS Working Group Integrated Protection in Field Vegetables since 2011 and attended the meetings regularly. In 2017 she organized the meeting of the Working Group in Switzerland, and in 2019 she was elected as Convenor of the Working Group Integrated Protection in Field Vegetables.