Detection in Britain of intraguild predation of Adalia species by Harmonia axyridis
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Alison P. Thomas, Jamie Trotman, Angela Wheatley, Alex Aebi, Renate Zindel & Peter M. J. Brown
Pages: 71-76
Abstract: The harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, is an invasive alien species that arrived in Britain in 2003. Its spread across most of the country has been accompanied by a decline in some native coccinellid species, in particular the two spot ladybird Adalia bipunctata and the ten spot ladybird Adalia decempunctata. We used a PCR based approach to analyse gut contents of 156 field collected H. axyridis larvae for the presence of Adalia DNA, which was detected in 12.2% of larvae. An extended version of this work is published as Thomas et al. (2013).