Effect of ultraviolet radiation and screening tolerance on native isolates of Beauveria spp.
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Mikheil Gogebashvili, Nazi Ivanishvili, Medea Burjanadze, Mariam Arjevanidze, Ketevan Koridze
Pages: 52-57
Abstract: The objective of this study was to explore diverse habitats as potential sources of local strains of the Beauveria, their relative distribution in various geographical areas and their potential application as biological control agents against the target insect. The original 10 isolates were obtained from 3 different geographical sites at different altitudes and climate zones. In experimental trials, selected B. bassiana isolates (Bb002, Bb007, Bb010, Bb017, Bb026, Bb027, Bb029, Bb070, Bb114, Bb Geometridae), were weighted by UV-B irradiance at dosages 850 mW/cm2, while 1-6 h, with 1 h interval. As a control not exposed to UV radiation were used.As a result, after 6 h irradiation, achieved in 50% growth inhibition of selected isolates compared to control. Isolates from the different ecosystems and sea level are characterized with different tolerance, in particular, high-sensitive isolates were more adapted to the UV-B radiation. In order to establish, two different isolates – B.b 029 (214 m asl) and B.b 070 (1200 m asl) were evaluated. By providing to analysis the relative increase of the intensity, these two isolates are differing only by individual tolerance, but restorative processes in both cases were going equally.