Effects of three pesticides on predatory bug Orius albidipennis Reut. (Het.: Anthocoridae)


Abstract: Biological control is a tool of integrated pest management that often combined withchemical application to control vegetable pests. The chemical pesticides should be compatiblewith biological control agents. In order to evaluate the possibility of application of commonlyused pesticides deltamethrin, bromopropylate and buprofezin in combination with predatory bugOrius albidipennis Reut. An experiment was conducted in laboratory, using “drum cell’ methodrecommended in IOBC guideline. Pesticides were applied at recommended rates on the mostsensitive stage of the insect i.e. first instar nymph. After 24 hours mortalities were 28%, 23% and37% for bromopropylate, buprofezin and deltamethrin respectively. Seven days after treatmentmortalities reached 35.23%, 40.41% and 67.29% for the above pesticides respectively. Thehighest rate of increase in nymph mortality was observed for deltamethrin, during 1st to 3rd daysafter treatment. Mortality rates exhibited a significant difference between deltamethrin andbromopropylate whereas no significant difference was observed between these pesticides andbuprofezin.

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