EFSA GMO Panel guidance on the evaluation of potential adverse effectsof GM plants on non-target organisms
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Yann Devos, Detlef Bartsch, Achim Gathmann, Rosemary S. Hails, Jozsef Kiss, Antoine Messéan, Sylvie Mestdagh, Joe N. Perry, Jeremy B. Sweet, Salvatore Arpaia
Pages: 37-43
Abstract: In November 2010, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) of theEuropean Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a Scientific Opinion (SO) that delivers guidanceon the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) plants. Beside theERA SO, the EFSA GMO Panel developed a separate SO that provides specific guidance for theevaluation of potential adverse effects of GM plants on non-target organisms (NTOs). This paperdescribes some elements of the ERA SO and NTO SO pertaining to NTO risk assessment, with afocus on: (1) problem formulation; (2) protection goals and limits of concern; (3) intended andunintended effects; (4) species selection for testing purposes; and (5) stacked transformationevents. Some scientific comments from EU Member States and stakeholders received during thedevelopment of both documents through public consultations are also presented.