Further observation on hazelnut yielding and fruit quality under organic and conventional management
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Alessandro Roversi, Gian Luca Malvicini
Pages: 501-507
Abstract: In some previous contributions, our Institute has pointed out some difficulties in the organic management of filbert orchards. A further two years of investigation showed that the main negative aspect of organic management is the high rate of nuts affected by bugs. Therefore another important problem is the reduction in productivity.To validate the conclusions of previous works, the comparison between organic and conventional management was carried on in three typical hazelnut orchards named “Alta Langa”, “Langa” and “Monregalese”. In these areas conventional and organic orchard management were chosen to record productivity and nut quality traits. In the years 2007-08, both total and average (t/ha) production were recorded for each hazelnut orchard, and 3kg samples of nuts were taken from whole nut yielding. Each sample was studied through the standard marketing surveys. In particular fruit and kernel weight, Curculio holes, fruit empty and insect kernel damage percentage, has been considered. The results were statistically analyzed through conventional-organic comparisons, and tested with the “t” test.