Impact of different insecticides sprayed in autumn or treated to winter oilseed rape seeds on the number of Psylliodes chrysocephala larvae and TuYV infection
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Nils Conrad, Anna Köneke, Meike Brandes & Udo Heimbach
Pages: 2-5
Abstract: The influence of different insecticides applied to winter oilseed rape in autumn on cabbage stem flea beetles, aphids and virus infestation was investigated. In 2015 the effects of the seed treatments Elado and Fortenza Force on larvae of cabbage stem flee beetle were very limited, but adult beetles migrated into the field very late. Spraying of a pyrethroid (Karate Zeon) in autumn reduced the number of larvae by up to 80%. The aphid and virus infestation were significantly reduced only by using Elado as seed treatment.