Influence of temperature on morphology and physiology of different isolatesof Ampelomyces quisqualis
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Dario Angeli, Monika Maurhofer, Susanna Micheli, Cesare Gessler, Ilaria Pertot
Pages: 153-157
Abstract: Temperatures significantly influenced the growth rate of the colonies and the highestradial growth rate was measured at 20°C for all strains. Interestingly, original climate at whichA. quisqualis was isolated did not influence an adaptation to the temperature. In fact, strainsisolated in countries with a warm climate grew well at low temperature and vice versa. Observingthe conidial germination phase, tube length and especially germination rate of A. quisqualisconidia increased greatly in the presence of powdery mildew conidia in different temperature.Temperature in the tested range had no influence on the germination rate, but seems to have aneffect on tube length. These results suggest that different strains of A. quisqualis may react in adifferent way to temperature and this aspect should be considered in the selection of commercialstrains, especially in a view of climate change.