Innovative small-scale rearing methods for controlling mite pestswith native predatory mites in tropical high elevation strawberry
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Beverly S. Gerdeman, Rufino Garcia & Lynell Tanigoshi
Pages: 13-14
Abstract: Innovative methods of small-scale production of the native predatory miteNeoseiulus longispinosus were developed between 2006-2010 in La Trinidad, Luzon,Philippines, for suppression of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and cyclamen mitePhytonemus pallidus infesting strawberry plants. Wild Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima,was identified as a local reliable source of predatory mites and seasonal fluctuations of theirpopulations were investigated to determine suitability. Feasibility of on-site farmer productionof predatory mites for trickle releases was investigated. Amblyseius tamatavensis was studiedas a potential early season predatory mite since it can be reared on a factitious host, Suidasiamedanensis. The farmers’ discovery of the ability of predatory mites from guava leaves tocontrol cyclamen mites infesting strawberry demonstrates importance of the low-tech“assemblage approach” for pest control.Extended abstract