Occurrence of brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys, Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in urban area (Ljubljana, Slovenia)


Abstract: In 2021, we have started to monitor the occurrence of brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) in an urban environment of municipality of Ljubljana. Pheromone traps with aggregation pheromones were set up at two locations, at the Laboratory Field of Biotechnical Faculty (Rožna dolina) and Rakovnik. Monitoring of the abundance of studied insect (young larvae, old larvae, adults) in traps was done in weekly time-intervals. Plant species near the pheromone traps were also identified. Occurrence of different developmental stages of H. halys on several plant species in July, August and September was also collected.
After the first year of research we find out that brown marmorated stink bug in the capistal city of Slovenia develops one generation per year. Egg clusters of the brown marmorated stink bug were recorded on the soybean, while adults and larvae were recorded on many plant species, such as buckwheat, industrial hemp, Canada goldenrod, eggplants, bell pepper, etc.

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