Response of soil microbial community to compost amendment in an organic pearorchard: preliminary data
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Matteo Montanari, Gloria Innocenti, Claudio Ciavatta, Sante Scagliarini
Pages: 27-31
Abstract: The effect of a municipal solid waste compost amendment at two rates (8 and 16t/ha xyear) on some soil microbial parameters was studied from 2006 to 2008 in an organic pearorchard located in the Po Valley (Northern Italy). The compost amendment at the highest ratesignificantly increased the total soil microbial activity measured by the FDA test. Also the soilsuppressiveness, assessed under controlled conditions using the pathosystem Pythium sp. – Betavulgaris, was improved by the highest rate of compost, even if statistically significant differenceswere not found among treatments. The association of a specific species of Penicillium withcompost treatment was observed in 2007 and 2008.