Study of the cork quality of the oriental cork oak stands of Tizi-Ouzou
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Messaoudène, M., Metna, B.
Pages: 33-40
Abstract: The thickness, porosity, suberin content and some physical properties of the corks werestudied in five stations of the oriental cork oak forest of Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria) in order tocharacterize the cork quality. The results showed the “tree effect” and the “station effect” on thecharacters of the cork. The heterogeneity of the characters within the same forest poses theproblem of ranking the quality of cork according to station or type of cork oak forest;individualized groups having no relation with a given ecological gradient of the station. Theanalyzed corks belonged to the category of fair and regular cork, moderately porous, weaklyabsorbent and relatively flexible. They can be used to produce stoppers. The study showed thatthe station of Tawrirt, which underwent sylvicultural management, produced the best cork.