Susceptibility to spirotetramat and abamectin of pear psylla Cacopsylla pyri L. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Northern Italy
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Stefano Civolani, Mauro Boselli, Alda Butturini, Stefano Cassanelli
Pages: 159-163
Abstract: Spirotetramat may be considered a valuable tool for the control of C. pyri as a component of an IPM programme. Given the high efficiency on C. pyri populations in field test this active ingredient could represent a valuable alternative to abamectin in order to manage the risks of occurrence of resistance in C. pyri control. Overall, the bioassays data indicate that no apparent resistance to abamectin has yet been developed in C. pyri populations of Emilia-Romagna. Nevertheless, the pear orchards in which C. pyri outbreaks recently occurred are under close investigation and careful survey.