Toward developing sustainable management strategies for the tomato potato psyllid in covered crops in New Zealand
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Melanie M. Davidson, Mette-Cecilie Nielsen, Jessica Vereijssen, Robin Gardner-Gee
Pages: 57-63
Abstract: The tomato potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli (Ć ulc) Hemiptera: Triozidae) was first recorded in covered crops in New Zealand in 2006. Previously, this pest had not been found outside of North and Central America. The tomato potato psyllid has since become widespread throughout most of New Zealand in both indoor and outdoor crops. It is a pest on economically important solanaceous crops including potatoes, capsicums, and tomatoes. The psyllid not only causes direct damage through feeding, but also vectors the plant pathogenic bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. A number of applied research programmes have been undertaken to manage the psyllid aimed at lowering the pest and disease pressure, and while some of the strategies developed could be considered crop-specific, there is potential to transfer knowledge/strategies between the different cropping systems. A summary of the research undertaken to date is reviewed in relation to management strategies in covered crops.