Using Eco-Climatic diagrams to create a model for forecasting
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Sahin Ince, Vincenzo Verrasto, Francesco Porcelli
Pages: 459-461
Abstract: Wladimir Koppen published the first climate classification in 1868. Then, Walter Heinrich (1978) was created climate-diagrams and they became a model for forecasting. Today the idea of mapping and collecting climatic graphs of all the meteorological stations are accessible in a specific area and to compare different climatic regions in the world, in which vegetation is similar to one another. Values of climate-diagram maps are; mean annual temperature and precipitation, mean monthly temperature and precipitation, mean daily minimum temperatures of individual months and the absolute monthly minimum, for stations in the tropics often also the mean daily maximum of the warmest month, the absolute maximum and the mean daily variation of temperature (Tonietto & Carbonneau, 2004). For this purpose, GIS (Geographical Information System) will be used in finding the similarities between regions. This will show, the effects of climate on soil and plant relations (such as fertility, growth mechanism… etc.). In addition, the model will be used for taking strategic decisions for long term planning such as: selection of crops and livestock, forest species introduction and moreover scheduling agricultural operations such as; planting and pest control.