Short CV
Kamel AISSAT studied plant biology, obtained a Magister degree in Microbiology and then a doctorate in Phytopathology at the University of Sétif (Algeria).
Currently a permanent professor in the faculty of Natural and Life Sciences at Batna 2 University (Algeria), he teaches general microbiology, mycology, the universal history of biological sciences, organic agriculture and biological control, at different levels of diploma, from master to doctorate, in the biology departments of Batna 2 and Béjaïa.
His research focuses on plant diseases, biological control and sustainable integrated pest management. His published work concerns research on biological control agents and their introduction into agriculture. His current work focuses on the epidemiology of diseases of vegetable crops (tomato) and the olive tree (Parlatoria oleae).
Kamel AISSAT is also active in the associative movement. He is a member of the network “Biological and integrated control in Algeria” and a member of a local environmental protection association called “TALSA” in the Bejaia region.
He was an expert for the Algerian government’s Ministry of Agriculture in the implementation of a sustainable local development policy. Kamel AISSAT joined IOBC-WPRS in 2019, following the organization of the 1st international conference on biological and integrated pest management in Algeria (CILBIA1). He was co-editor of an issue of the IOBC-WPRS newsletter dedicated to this conference.